The Last Dance

One of the absolute best aspects of LinkedIn are the genuine, new relationships that are built from authentic connections.

I was chatting with one recently about quarantine and business and he asked me, “Have you checked out the last dance?”

I did a quick Google search because I’m not binge watching things right now as I’m laser focused on business growth, but once I saw that it was on THE ERA of the Chicago Bulls, I watched two episodes that very night.

There was and is something so special about MJ that it’s hard to put into words. I’ll save you the trouble of knowing were I stand: he was, is, and will always be the greatest of all time. When you can make a skinny, white girl from a small high school excited to play basketball in the ‘90s, that is a sure sign of the kind of magnetic reach he had to inspire others.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the show for the behind the scenes aspect, and to relive the memories of the emotional rollercoaster my family experienced every May and June watching the playoffs.

The idea of the last chance has thus captured my attention and I got to thinking, “what if this was our own last dance?”

Spend some time with these questions:

  • Am I in the right lane for my career?

  • Am I performing at my best?

  • Am I using the gifts and talents I’ve been given?

  • What will I be known for when I enter retirement?

I’m not discounting the hard part of making a career adjustment, leveling up, or the frustration of feeling like you have wasted years if you answered “no” to the first three questions.

But guess what? Today is a brand new day. Choose now to change. One step forward in the direction in which you want to head is proof that you can do it.

Let me leave you with some words of wisdom from the GOAT:

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”

- Michael Jordan

Be the others.

Michelle Rademacher