What Everyone Needs and What Everyone Can Have
I was thinking about what message was needed for today’s blog article and the word that came to me is hope.
Perhaps you are facing the uncertainty of if you’ll still have your job and what the future could look like…
Maybe you are struggling in health while you maintain the facade that “all is well” on the day-to-day of the job…
Possibly you are trying to manage care for children with special needs and wondering how that is going to play out while you look for a new job…
The list can go on and on.
One of the first things I do when things seem hopeless is to remember Who is in control. (Not me or you!)
The second is to pray. There is so much power in prayer and I think it goes untapped by too many.
The third is to be disciplined to arrest and root out the thoughts that come which are against anything that is hope-filled.
When I get a thought like, “You’re a failure.” I have to replace it with what I know to be true.
“I may have failed, but I’m not a failure. I’m a success in progress.”
Why does this reminder even matter?
Because in a world that seems to grow dark or in times of uncertainty, we learn where our foundation is. And I wouldn’t want anyone thinking they aren’t needed or don’t have a purpose on this earth.
The most critical thing you can do when you’re struggling is to focus on the moment in front of you and only within the confines of this specific day. Sometimes we live so far out in the future we despair in the present because we have cast a vision of doom and gloom. Or we live so far out in the future that we sit in the clouds because we dream of something much better than where we find ourselves. In the middle of those two extremes is the balance of reality.
Control what you can control which is your attitude towards what happens next.
Storms in life are absolute. Have you met anyone who hasn’t gone through one?
Neither have I.
While we’re managing the boat we find ourselves in, let’s be sure to look up and see
…who has lost their paddles
…who is spinning in circles
…who has drifted with the current
If you are one of them, raise a hand and reach out.
If a colleague or friend has gone quiet… reach out.
Hope always exists.
Hope is a Person.
Hope lives!