Building For Impact

Ever since I can remember, I wanted to do things just a little bit different than the rest.  This came with a price.

As I sit here and stare down the turn of a new decade for me personally, and a 2 year old birthday for my business, I’ll simply say I don’t know many like me.  That’s good, but hard.

You see, we’re all made uniquely, yet our desire to be a part of something is also built into us.  To forge ahead in business requires a singular focus and often walking that road alone.  Sacrifice is integral to the building of something great, and maybe that’s just the point:

To get to where we are destined to be, we have to be willing to push forward no matter what.

In retrospect, I see how staying true to my unique nature and the continued pursuit of what I was called to do actually built the foundation for what I am doing now.

Years before RP4C came into existence, I was drawn to helping people understand the purpose for which they had been created.  It was a magnetic pull that wouldn’t go away until I wrestled with it.

This is the heartbeat of RP4C.  Whether you’re a professional making a career change or a new entrepreneur living out the expression of your purpose in the form of your own business, helping you to understand it and align to it is everything for us.

So as the foundation has been laid, I look forward to those who are going to journey this road with me.  Building for impact in others’ lives is the focus.

And to RP4C, I just have to say, “Happy Birthday Baby. Keep growing.”

Michelle Rademacher