Reaching Down To Pull Up
Have you ever been in the line at Starbucks (or your other favorite coffee spot), and the person in front of you pays for your order?
It’s that sweet surprise and joy that someone spontaneously gave to impact your day. I love it!
The birth of an idea came to me in February about paying it forward, and it has grown through the investment of ideas and resources by my past clients. Let me share this exciting news with you:
In seven days, I’m launching a mentoring program that is reaching down to the next generation to pull them up into excellence!
REACH is the Exclusive Mentoring Program from RP4C® and here’s what’s involved:
7 Months of Executive Leadership coaching poured into the Mentors + Mentees through group sessions and one-on-one mentoring.
The program officially kicks off with the first meeting in late June and goes through early December.
Mentors have personally invested in their future Mentees.
You read that correctly! Mentors have paid it forward to cover the program fee for the Mentees to join REACH.
With a Guest Speaker planned and group sessions covering topics from Work-Life Balance to the Pre-Post COVID Work Environment, it’s going to be an amazing time of learning + growing together.
Mentees will be able to apply for acceptance into the program beginning next week!
Access to apply will begin May 3rd and close on May 30th. Applications will be reviewed by RP4C Corporation and all applicants notified by June 8th.
The Mentors for REACH include Senior Leadership, VP-Level, and C-Suite. They represent industries such as Architecture, Banking, E-Commerce, ESG, Financial Services, Food & Beverage, Healthcare, Higher Education, Hospitality, Insurance, Interior Design, International Business, IT, Learning & Development, Logistics, Manufacturing, Non-profit, Real Estate, SaaS, Senior Living, and Supply Chain.
Whew! So are you wondering how to get involved?
I hope so!
To reach the next generation the Mentees who are selected through our application process must be within 25-30 years of age.
Mentees are not required to have a college degree, nor do they have to be in a full-time position right now.
What is required is a commitment to excellence and your exhibition of what you plan to bring to the program by applying.
You might have questions, so let’s see if I can answer a few:
Q: Why the age range of 25-30 years?
Having run a successful mentoring program before, I know this age range will take mentoring seriously. It’s also a critical time in one’s career to receive wisdom and insights from a mentor who has journeyed ahead of where the mentee might find himself/herself. To ensure we are mentoring the next generation, we need to target those at that age.
Q: Can I apply if I’m based internationally?
No. You must be based in the continental United States. The Mentors are based in these timezones: Pacific Standard, Mountain Standard, Central Standard, and Eastern Standard Time. The program includes scheduled group meeting times, and in this first inaugural year of the program, we are working within these four time zones.
Q: Is there a fee to apply?
Yes. A $70.00 non-refundable fee is required to apply. This is a one-on-one Mentoring Program, so the spots are limited. For those who apply and are not selected this year, you will be invited to an exclusive 60 min. Group Mentoring Virtual Meeting Call with Founder, Michelle Rademacher, and 2 Mentors of the Program. In this Group Mentoring Call, we’ll address how to improve your application for next year, as this will be an annual program, and we’ll address some “hot topics” with the Mentors weighing in for your benefit and growth.
Q: Why is there a fee to apply if the Mentors have paid it forward?
REACH is a high-end, high-quality mentoring program that is being executed with excellence. We want you to care as we do. The Mentors have each covered the cost of the program for their one Mentee who will be paired with them. The cost to apply to the program is to cover the time involved by RP4C Corporation to review the applications and to ensure applicants take this seriously.
Q: How do the pairings occur?
RP4C Corporation will pair the Mentee with his/her Mentor. The Mentors do not have any input in the selection process; however, they have sent identifiers of experience, industry knowledge, and expertise to RP4C Corporation through their registration which allows quality pairing. In the Mentee application process, you will select identifiers that bring forth compatibility in the pairing.
What’s Next and What You Can Do:
Make sure you’re following Michelle Rademacher to be notified of updates on the program.
Share this article with someone you think could benefit from this REACH Mentoring Program.
Caring is sharing. Share this! A next-gen professional has the opportunity to be paired with Mentors who represent the best in their industries.
I genuinely love surprises… so you’ll have to stay tuned for the Mentor reveal in June. It’s a really special first class who are part of this inaugural REACH cohort! You’re really not going to want to miss this group.
We are committed to pouring in quality professional development across the generations and for Mentors + Mentees alike to share the beauty that is within each of them!
We look forward to filling your cup to overflowing.