Reaching Down To Pull Up
Have you ever been in the line at Starbucks (or your other favorite coffee spot), and the person in front of you pays for your order?
It’s that sweet surprise and joy that someone spontaneously gave to impact your day. I love it!
The birth of an idea came to me in February about paying it forward, and it has grown through the investment of ideas and resources by my past clients. Let me share this exciting news with you…
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Can't Read The Label Inside The Jar
We all need those around us who can help us see what we can’t because we’re down in the weeds. Or maybe we’re looking up but have so many things on our plate that we can’t focus on that “one more thing.” The parallels here to what I do as a Career Coach are astounding.
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Danger Ahead
First, let me set the stage for where you might find yourself:
Contemplating a job change….. Receiving plenty of recruiter messages…… Considering how to get promoted…… Reading a lot of LinkedIn posts to be “ready” in the active job market.
This means you are likely soaking up a lot of information to know what the best decision is for you to make. I’ve coached many professionals into their next opportunity, and the area I want to shine a light on is your Values.
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Did You Feel That Fall?
Every so often in our careers, we’re at a place where we have the opportunity to be “puffed up,” the ego inflates, and we are proud of where we are. We’ve “arrived” and it feels good because we’re “on top of the world!”
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A Lesson In Exit Strategy
A client was trying to hold on until the bonus payout. While trying to do that, she was entangled in a toxic work environment and boundaries were getting crossed right and left. It was still the days of WFH (work-from-home) during the pandemic and her value of work-life balance was no longer honored.
The exit date was on the horizon and there were three weeks left…
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Waves Made New
How often in our careers are we taken by surprise with a disruption to our plans that were ‘supposed’ to be smooth-sailing?
Ask anyone who is ten years into their career and I would venture a guess they have, at minimum, three big examples of disruptions. Those who are mid-career have many more. And those heading towards retirement have “sailed the ocean blue.”
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Resume REACH Method™
There is a strange time continuum with resumes. Quality Resume Writers will need approximately one to two weeks to put together a great document and the resume is typically scanned by a Recruiter in seven to eight seconds. I’m on both sides of this fence. I attest to the need to carefully craft this document that serves as your gateway to the interview and to have the resume communicate effectively for that shorter review time.
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How To Avoid Rescinding The Job Offer
When someone is crystal clear on their contribution (the what) and has done the preparation of target companies (the where), and has an individualized job search strategy (the how), then the scenario above doesn’t happen.
I’m going to give you insights on how to hone in on the what, where, and how of your job search so you can avoid the black mark of accepting an offer and then rescinding it.
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With the many female superstars who will get recognition in the month of March, I’d love to point us back to the one who first encouraged us to know what it means to be a woman. The ones who hold the title of Mother!
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The Recent and The Arc: Creating Your Short Story
Our lives have a beginning and an end, just like a story.
The milestones along the years become chapters. Some we are glad to end and others we can’t wait to start.
Since reading a novel on your life isn’t viable for most interactions, you need a succinct way to tell your story.
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Being Real.
I’m guilty of it.
Wish it wasn’t true, but yes, I’ve done it.
When you have a gift in building relationships, it’s easy to manipulate them.
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Reshuffle or Revolution?
In the span of two years, the talent acquisition space has been flipped on its head.
There are multiple facets to explore and ponder on this topic, such as the mass exodus of professionals from industries like healthcare or education.
However, there is one aspect that is not getting much air time. And one that some of you will feel deep in your core.
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Redemption In The Great Resignation?
Late last Summer, a former client reached out with the pressures of The Great Resignation showing up in full force.
In her case, she was nearing the two-year anniversary of starting with her dream company. The recipient of promotions and increases in responsibility, she was on an upward trajectory!
But no raise since the original hire.
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The In Between.
Do you even notice waiting anymore in the 21st century? The activity of the wait seems both forever and non-existent.
Think about…
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Networking Matters
“Interestingly, 70 - 85% of jobs are NOT posted online and are filled INSTEAD by networking.
If I look back on the positions I’ve accepted, my own career history proves 80% of them were obtained by networking.”
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The Uncomfortable Zone
… Well, that didn’t work out like I had planned.
Change is uncomfortable because it involves metamorphosis… transformation… an arrival at a different state, place or being than the one before.
That process is uncomfortable…
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Hindsight Is.
“These words found their way back to me during one of my hardest months of 2020… some beautiful things (like growth in the business) and some sad things (like a death in the family). It struck me that my sister’s words of encouragement so many years ago held perfect vision - for then and now.”
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American Executive Podcast Interview
Have a listen to be inspired by the Career Changer herself and get the details on:
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Building For Impact
“This is the heartbeat of RP4C. Whether you’re a professional making a career change or a new entrepreneur living out the expression of your purpose in the form of your own business, helping you to understand it and align to it is everything for us….”
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Learn the Differences Between Executive Recruiters and Career Coaches
It often comes to my attention that people are simply unaware of the differences between Executive Recruiting and Career Coaching. Come enjoy your cup of coffee and listen to this 20 minute podcast, where I sit with CEO of EmployUs to discuss a unique distinction that makes a big difference.
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